S M wrote:
The same as before.

Not surpring if you haven't addressed the problems Jason already pointed out --

lCATALINA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1

1) Reinstall Tomcat in `C:\tomcat_4.1` or something, with *no* spaces in the path.

2) Don't put servlet.jar and j2ee.jar in the same classpath, as
   you'll have duplicated classes...

Jason Bainbridge wrote:
On Apr 12, 2005 3:39 PM, S M wrote:

sorry for the confusion, but i have set CLASSPATH, i echoed on cmd as mentioned 
and yes it shows me the CLASSPATH as listed below

where ";C:\javacode" had the source code.

Have you explicityly set CATALINA_HOME as well? Does it have spaces in
it? If so surround it with double quotes or move it to a path with no
spaces. I don't think having servlet.jar and j2ee.jar in the same
classpath is a good idea either.

-- Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Webtuitive Design === (+1) 408-938-0567 === http://webtuitive.com

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