I am sorri for the 3 messages. I got a response from the first two messages 
that the message was not delivered as I didnt have an account. So I subcribed 
again and sent the email. Sorri for the trouble

Jason Bainbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/18/05, shyam reddy wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have two web applications which use the same JDBCRealm. I have tested the 
> realm and it works fine. I commented out the single sign on valve in the 
> server.xml . I tested the links from one application to another. The 
> protected resources still ask for the login information. It would be really 
> helpful if someone could help me out with this. I am using tomcat 5.0.29. I 
> have checked my logs and this is the output I am getting :

Why have you sent three emails about the same thing with different
subjects? It isn't going to help you get a response, if you have more
info to add then reply to your own post and keep it within the same
thread that way you're much more likely to get a response.

Jason Bainbridge
http://kde.org - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal Site - http://jasonbainbridge.com

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