Hi, ran into something odd:

- buildfile A (build-A.xml) contains deploy task, running the task works w/o 
any problems :

        <!-- ... -->
        <target name="deploy" depends="war">
                <deploy url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
                update="true" />
        <!-- ... -->

Now comes the strange part ...

- buildfile B wants to call A's deploy task, remark : it's located in another 
dir, more specific the dir above, so :

        <!-- ... -->
        <target name="master">
                <ant antfile="build-A.xml" target="all" dir="subdir" />
        <!-- ... -->

Question : does this work ?
Answer   : Nope, it results in a java.io.FileNotFoundException: dist\webapp.war 
(The system cannot find the path specified)
Question : Why ?
Answer   : Because the deploy task searches for dist in the dir of build B.
Question : Why ?
Answer   : I don't know ... ;-)

It is strange because the deploy task is the only one who has a problem with 
this. In reality build file B is a master build file that calls a 'all' target, 
and buildfile A contains the whole standard deployment shabang -> none of them 
fail except this specific task.

I would say it's worth checking out.

Obviously this prob is solved by using an absolute path, but it speaks for 
itself it shouldn't be configured like that.

Any thoughts ?

Kind regards,

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