The following steps should work (although I have only ever done this using my own CA).

1. Create tomcat key in your own keystore
2. Create CSR
3. Submit CSR
4. Get response
5. Import CA's root cert to cacerts (%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security\cacerts)
6. Import new cert to same keystore as 1 (use same alias & trustcacerts option)
7. Restart Tomcat



Bruce Perryman wrote:
Thanks for responding!

Yes, I do have a backup, but I should have mentioned
that there were several attempts to get this working.
One of the first attempts ommitted step #5, but I had
the same result.
I used step #5 in an attempt to remove the old and
then insert the new. But that didn't work either.

One other thing that I noticed is that my previous
(expired) keystore had 2 certs in it one was a root
trusted cert entry and the tomcat key entry.

This time, in one of my initial attempts, the tomcat
alias was the only entry and it was the trusted cert

Does this have anything to do with the problem?
--- Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You should not have done step 5. This deleted your
private key. I hope you have a backup ;)


Bruce Perryman wrote:


I'm using TC 5.0.19 and j2sdk1.4.2_04 on RedHat 9.

My SSL certificate expired and I received a new


but haven't been able to get the new one to work.

Here are the steps that I used to get the


and import it into my keystore:

[1] keytool -genkey -alias tomcat
    -keyalg RSA -keystore .keystore
[2] keytool -certreq -alias tomcat
    -keystore .keystore -file tomcat.csr
[3] Submit tomcat.csr to Entrust and then
    retrieve entrust_ssl_ca.cer  (We used
    cut and paste, not file download.)
[4] shut down Tomcat
[5] keytool -delete -alias tomcat
     -keystore .keystore
[6] keytool import -trustcacerts
    -alias tomcat -file entrust_ssl_ca.cer
    -keystore .keystore
[7] restart tomcat
Instead of [6], we also tried:
[6a] keytool import -alias tomcat
     -file entrust_ssl_ca.cer -keystore .keystore

When I restart Tomcat and view my page, I get the
message that the page cannot be displayed.

In my catalina.out file, I see the following


error msg:

Endpoint [SSL: ServerSocket[addr=     ]] ignored
exception: SSL handshake No available
certificate corresponds to the SSL cipher suites


are enabled.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I don't


the exact steps that I performed with my previous
certificate, but the above steps are what I used


the newly issued certificate.

Thanks, in advance, for your help.

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