If I write to stdout where does that go?

System.stdout.println("Where does this get printed to?");

I assume C:/tomcat.../log/stdout?

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Kirk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 12:28 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: confused about simple logging

Your confusion possibly arises because there are at least 2 types of logger
that you might mean, and 3 main choices for one of those at the moment,
although one of those 3 is deprecated and a second is probably becoming less

OK I'll take a quick stab and see if this gets you anywhere in the right

You mention two distinct types of logging.  The 1st is the "hit" logging
which is very similar to what you would get from apache httpd.  This simply
logs each incoming request.  This is achieved by adding a <Valve> to your
%catalina_home%\conf\server.xml - you can embed it inside the <Host></Host>,
<Engine></Engine> or <Context></Context> tags, but for your purposes, just
shove it in the engine for now.  It looks a bit like this:

<Engine blah blah>
                directory="logs"  prefix="ao_access_log_" suffix=".log"
                pattern="common" resolveHosts="false"/>

You can tweak the path, filename, and the pattern that defines each line -
for details.  Leave resolveHosts set "false" to speed up performance.

Not that my example above is from my own 5.5.9 server - ISTR 5.0 config
syntax is different - check the doc link above for the detail.

The 2nd part of your logging is where you write your own messages to a
logfile.  I did that as follows:

java.util.logging.Logger logger =
fh = new FileHandler(logFilePath, maxLogFileSize, logFileCount, true);
fh.setFormatter(new AoLogFormatter(logFileDateTimePattern));

Then to write a log message you can just do this:

        log("Write this to the log");

and it will write the log file to logFilePath

See the java.util.logging.Logger javadocs for more details.

This is very basic.  Much more spophistication can be achieved through
config files.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday 23 May 2005 18:01
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: confused about simple logging
> Hello.
> I'm a bit confused about simple logging on tomcat 5.0.  I've
> read much of the
> FAQ at
> http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/faq/logging.html#builtIn but that
> doesn't seem to address what I'm looking for, which is just
> routine mundane
> daily activity.
> For instance, if I create and deploy a simple "Hello World"
> application that
> contains only index.jsp, no servlets, no external classes and no JNDI
> resources, where on earth will a "hit" be recorded when I navigate to
> http://localhost/helloworld/index.jsp ?  And where is the
> error recorded if I
> mistype and navigate to http://localhost/helloworld/jndex.JSP ?
> Do I have to build such logging into the application?  Or
> does Catalina handle
> that for me?  And if so ... where on earth?
> I'm using FreeBSD installed at /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat5.0
> I see log information in /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat5.0/logs/stderr.log
> and /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat5.0/logs/stdout.log but nothing
> that records a
> "page hit."
> Thanks,
> lane
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