Greetings ~

We're having issues downloading .pdf files in SSL.  I've been all over
the web trying to find solutions.  The issue appears to be interaction
between Tomcat and InternetExplorer.  IE appears to be corrupting the
pdf files.  There's an IE patch out there, but we've patched past that.
The fix that they list, to uncheck the "don't allow encrypted data to be
cached to disk,"  works, but it's a setting that for security reasons we
don't want to leave unchecked.

I've tried all manner of setting headers for cache-control, etc..  We're
dynamically generating the .pdf files, and streaming them to the jsp
page.   I've tried also saving the pdf's physically to the server and
then getting them, but that didn't work either.

Has anyone run into this issue?  Does anyone have a solution?  I've seen
lots of suggestions out there, but nothing that actually works.


Mary Beth Panichi

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