Does your profiling tool tell you the classes of the objects being created? Can you take a snapshot at two points in time, compare them and see what is different? If we know the class of the objects being created, it gives us a pretty good pointer as to where to start looking. Without this information, it is needle in haystack time.

If your profiler doesn't do this, you probably need to get a new profiler.


Ed Hamilton wrote:
I posted something similar to the Tomcat bug list and was asked to move it
here.  My first mailing to this list, so please correct any gaffes on my

I'm running Tomcat 5.5.9; isapi redirector 1.2.13; J2SE; JDBC
3.1.8a;  to support 2 very low volume websites.  I have some kind of memory
leak which triples tomcat's memory usage over about 4-5 days.

I downloaded and installed AppPerfect profiler, and it shows a steady,
consistent increase in objects and a corresponding decrease in the heap
size.  Even with my webserver shutdown and no Tomcat usage, this leak is
persistent. The memory leak checker portion of AppPerfect reports multiple
memory leaks (even with the web server shutdown as I mentioned.)

Can anybody help me figure out how to find out where this is coming from?

Best regards,
Ed Hamilton

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