Check these:

1. Your browser is accepting cookies
2. Your links are being generated by taglibs that insure the jsessionid is attached if needed. I say if needed because if tomcat is getting a valid session cookie from your browser, the jsessionid won't be added to the link.

They don't both have to be done, but chances of eliminating errors are best if they are. Beyond that, I would have to suspect the way you are trying to access the session attributes either in setting them or in retrieving them. Could you post code snippets that show how you are setting and retrieving attributes?


angelina zh wrote:


I dont understand why you keep saying there is nothing worng. The session got 
established at the log in page and kept valid in the security re-diredct pages 
till the welcome page. Then session got lost. Why there is nothing wrong with 

The session id did not get lost, just the http session lost.



Dakota Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There is nothing wrong. You don't have a new session in your browser.

On 6/23/05, angelina zh wrote:

Can anyone please help me on this session lost issue?

Here is the problem I am getting:

-- If I open a IE 6.0 browser and log into the web site we are developing, I 
get into a welcome page with a few of link options. In the login action class, 
we set some attributes into the session. If I click on any of the links, I got 
null pointer exception in next action class when we try to get attributes from 
the session. I tried to use Eclipse to debug, noticed that the session of the 
request after the welcome page became to null.

--If I keep that browser open and go to the log in page again. After I log in, 
I get into the welcome page and if I click any of the links now, the session of 
the request is not null and I can go to any links without any problem. The null 
pointer did not occur in the following action class.

--If I close the browser then open browser again, I get NullPointerException 
again if I repeat those steps.

What might be wrong?

Thanks so much in advance.


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