Note: this is not meant to be a detailed bug report. I'm just fishing to see
if anyone else is having some these problems.

Hi, I'm a newbie on the list. I've used tomcat with Windows-IIS for about a
year, and I just made the switch to Apache on Fedora Core 4. Tomcat 5 comes
packaged with the FC4 distro, but it's using the GCJ jvm; I'm used to using
Sun's jvm. 

A couple of issues: (1) It took me days to configure mod_jk to link Apache
and Tomcat. The documentation sucks. I think I finally got it right after
quite a bit of trial and error. (2) Now I can access the standard built-in
webapps through something like http://localhost/jsp-examples/ without any
problem. So I threw the JSPWiki.war into my webapps directory. It unpacked
just fine, but when I tried to access it through http://localhost/JSPWiki/,
I got a permission denied error. I'm quite certain that my permissions are
set correctly. (3) I tried accessing it on the standard http connecter (i.e.
http://localhost:8080/JSPWiki/) and I get 'WikiEngine not properly started'
JasperException. (4) I also installed Sun's jvm and pointed Tomcat there,
but now Tomcat won't work at all.

It's all very weird, but here's my theory. The permission denied error I'm
getting when accessing it through Apache is really just a cover for the
JasperException I'm getting through the http connector. The real problem
might be that JSPWiki (and probably lots of other apps I want to use) won't
work with the GCJ jvm. I'm thinking about uninstalling the packaged Tomcat 5
that came with FC4 and reinstalling it pointing at Sun's jvm.

Has anyone else had experience using Tomcat 5 on FC4? Or have you had any
problems similar to this?

Thanks in advance,
Paul Constantine

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