
You might try including a URL pattern containing only "/" in addition to
the "/*" pattern.

-Terence M. Bandoian

>> Hi again.. I don´t know if this mail reached the mailinglist som I
>> just reply to myself to get the attention again ;).
>> Is this kind of behaviour by tomcat normal with the redirection?. Does
>> behave in this way even if you just have an application.war file
>> deployed on a standalone tomcat?
>> Best regards
>> Stefan Nilsson.
>> On 7/15/05, Stefan Nilsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I am running Jboss 4.0.1 with the tomcat 5.0 and I have an
>>> application.ear called pds running on it. To access the application
>>> you simple write "http://adress:8080/pds";
>>> Now I wanted to enable ssl on the webapp.war in the application so I
>>> changed the server.xml and web.xml and created a keystore and
>>> everything. I redirect from "8080" to "8443" and everything works as
>>> long as do like this.
>>> https://adress:8443/pds - works!!
>>> http://adress:8080/pds/login.jsp - works! get redirected to
>>> https://adress:8443/pds/xxxxx
>>> http://adress:8080/pds - doesn´t work - I time out and get a no page
>>> found error.
>>> I really need the the old url "http://adress:8080/pds"; to be
>>> redirected to "https://adress:8443/pds "
>>> Any suggestions??
>>> Best regards
>>> Stefan Nisson
>>> Below follows some relevant sections from my server.xml and web.xml:
>>> ======= server.xml ==============
>>>       <Connector
>>>           port = "8080"
>>>           address = "${jboss.bind.address}"
>>>           maxThreads = "150"
>>>           minSpareThreads = "25"
>>>           maxSpareThreads = "75"
>>>           enableLookups = "false"
>>>           redirectPort = "8443"
>>>           acceptCount = "100"
>>>           connectionTimeout = "20000"
>>>           disableUploadTimeout = "true"/>
>>>       <Connector
>>>           port = "8443"
>>>           address = "${jboss.bind.address}"
>>>           maxThreads = "100"
>>>           minSpareThreads = "5"
>>>           maxSpareThreads = "15"
>>>           scheme = "https"
>>>           secure = "true"
>>>           clientAuth = "false"
>>>           keystoreFile = "./keystore"
>>>           keystorePass = "secret"
>>>           sslProtocol = "TLS"/>
>>> =============== web.xml =====================
>>> <security-constraint>
>>>       <display-name>Security for Julius PDS</display-name>
>>>       <web-resource-collection>
>>>           <web-resource-name>Julius web Security</web-resource-name>
>>>           <description>Redirect all to SSL</description>
>>>           <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>>>       </web-resource-collection>
>>>       <user-data-constraint>
>>>           <description>Protection should be CONFIDENTIAL</description>
>>>           <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee>
>>>       </user-data-constraint>
>>>   </security-constraint>

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