Robert V. Coward/CTR/OSAGWI wrote:
Understood. But I do not want to use Tomcat proxying services. I just want to host 8080 locally and let my ipfilter firewall block and proxy for me.

Then the default Tomcat configuration of listening on port 8080 is
just what you need. I highly recommend making a copy of the original
server.xml and then stripping out the examples before doing anything
else; greatly improves readability. :-)

If you're still uncertain about Tomcat's configuration, i.e., what
port(s) it's listening on, you could run netstat and/or nmap before
and after starting it, and compare the results.

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

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