Do you have a line in Apache:

NameVirtualHost *:80

I dont think ServerName should have the port number after it. This and ServerAlias are Host: header matching values.

I suspect your only remaining problem now is to get Apache and Tomcat to see the same website document roots for the same URLs. This maybe a problem if you are using deployed WARs since tomcat can and will delete the directory from under apache during the deployment process.

How do you mean "TC can and will delete the directory from under Apache"? Which directory do you mean? At this point, I am only trying to view the WARs bundled with TC. I am starting TC before Apache with the apps already deployed (so far).

I suggest you learn more about the exact nature of the "deployment procedure" from an packed WAR to an unpacked WAR that goes in within TC.

Darryl L. Miles

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