Sounds like you are wanting to use the J2EE web services.  Probably SOAP.

Lionel Farbos wrote:
You can see JMS and joram (
Note : Joram is embedded in Jonas ( and Tomcat 

On Thu, 11 Aug 2005 11:41:34 +0100
"Darryl L. Miles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Paul Wallace wrote:

Thanks Len,
        And what of other protocols? Are sockets then required? What are
some other protocols that might be used to push/pull data? (off Tomcat I
know ;))


I'm interested in the answer to this too. What terms do I stick into google to find generic socket based communication systems between isolated JVMs ? Protocols, Frameworks, something that will slot in with TC but not as raw as HTTP I want the API to be a POJO as possible but with a open / setup / work / close cycle.

Idealy I'm really after a multiplexing (read as single socket) messaging framework that can deliver command / event like objects to a remote JVM for processing then return the appropiate reponse object and have multiple events outstanding all in different states with any sized payload.

Darryl L. Miles

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