
Thank you for thinking about this and suggesting
the context fragment that you have successfully used.

I had tried such a fragment a little while back,
without success, but tried it again just now
exactly as you had indicated.  I tried placing it


and I also, separately, tried placing that Context
element in the Host element of server.xml.

Neither configuration worked to allow symlinks.

Note: I know that the Context element works for
me in the more broad usage of deploying a webapp
in an arbitrary location:  I just (again) tried

    <Context path="/getimg"

and, after deleting from webapps directory the
existing getimg deployment and getimg.war, I
restarted tomcat.  And, of course, the getimg
app worked fine.  But adding the allowLinking="true",
either as you had indicated, or as I had been doing,
(and creating a "ln -s /usr/scratch/images images")
accomplished nothing.  There was no visibility.
Note that from the command line, from tomcat, I
certainly can

    ls <webapp location>/getimg/images

and see the contents of that directory once the
symlink is created.  It's just that the getimg
app itself still cannot see it.  And, as I
previously indicated, actually creating a
directory in the webapp tree with images
in it of course makes those images visible
to the app.

Thanks again for the suggestion.

Frankly, I'm as confounded as you about this.
As I indicated in my first letter, I always find
(eventually) the correct configuration for just
about anything that is required, but this has
eluded me.  There must be some conflict which I
am not seeing, but, pretty much, my tomcat
configuration is fairly vanilla: have postgres,
am using OpenEJB as well as JDBC, all successfully.
Use lots of XStream xml files for app information,
but none of this should be a conflict.  Hmmm, let's
see: am also using the SSL/https Connector in
the conf/server.xml, and have enabled CGI from
the conf/web.xml, and all this works fine for me.

Also, as I indicated in my first letter, I even
set up a completely new 5.0.30 complete deployment
to test this issue, but the results were the same.

Puzzled, in Sunnyvale,


Hassan Schroeder wrote:
Maurice Yarrow wrote:

I have simply had no success getting allowLinking="true".


Am running 5.0.28 (tried it in 5.0.30, as well, with same lack of success).


<Context path="/getimg"
    <Resources className="org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext"
               allowLinking="true" />

Shouldn't that just be:

<Context path="/getimg"

:: ? which works for me in TC 5.5.x, at least, and appears to match
the Context attribute descriptions for 5.0.x in


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