Hello Hassan

Thanks again:
(1) tomcat is started by root who superusers tomcat process
    to be owned by user tomcat, as you can see from ps:

 1415 tomcat /opt/j2sdk1.4.2_05/bin/java

(2) Tomcat owns the link:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 tomcat tomcat 32 Sep 12 11:32 images ->

so tomcat certainly owns the link, but also:

(3)  Tomcat can write to and read from the linked dir directly:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] webapps]$ ls -ld /usr/scratch/images
drwxrwxr-x  2 tomcat tomcat 4096 Sep 12 11:44 /usr/scratch/images

[EMAIL PROTECTED] webapps]$ echo hello > /usr/scratch/images/hello.dat
(i.e., user tomcat has no problem creating only images dir)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] webapps]$ cat /usr/scratch/images/hello.dat
(i.e., user tomcat has no problem seeing the file)

(4) also, tomcat can even delete the file via the link
     (no error, and file is removed)


Hassan Schroeder wrote:
Maurice Yarrow wrote:

Neither configuration worked to allow symlinks.

Also, as I indicated in my first letter, I even
set up a completely new 5.0.30 complete deployment
to test this issue, but the results were the same.

That's good, eliminating as many variables as possible. And if that
setup doesn't work...

Is it possible you have a permissions problem between the Tomcat
process userid and the owner of the linked directory?

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