I have one NIC with 2 external IPs bound to it on a Windows XP box. The goal
is to have Tomcat service two web sites, each web site having it's own IP

www.website1.com --> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
www.website2.com --> yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy

I have tried defining two <Service>'s with <Connector>'s that have
address="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" or "yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy" elements in them. The second
<Service> listed in server.xml never started. I would never see any log
information for it in any logs like I did for the first <Service> listed and
it was defined exactly the same as the first one with the exception of
address and the name elements, logfile names, etc.

I have tried one <Service> with multiple <Connector>'s, one <Connector> for
"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" and one <Connector> for "yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy". I also had two
<Host> elements in this scenario, but got no indication that anything was
running on "yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy".

I tried configuring it as if I only had one IP, one <Service>, one
<Connector>, one <Engine> and one <Host> and did not specify the "address"
element. In this case, browsing to either xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and
yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy produced the same results. They both went to website1. I'm
assuming this is because Tomcat will bind to all available IPs on the
specified port if an "address" is not specified.

Anyway, could someone please tell me the correct way to do this?

Brian Barnett

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