When I run Tomcat, it auto-generates an include file for Apache called
"tomcat-auto". It uses a directive called "JkMount" to redirect certain
URL's to Tomcat's non-http interface. For example, my "tomcat-examples"
webapp yields a couple of entries that look like:

   JkMount /tomcat-examples/servlet/* ajp12
   JkMount /tomcat-examples/*.jsp ajp12

So that anything beginning with "/tomcat-examples/" and ending in ".jsp" or
anything beginning with "/tomcat-examples/servlet" will get redirected to

Okay.... fine. However, I can define other servlet mappings in the web.xml
file that don't get reflected in tomcat-auto. For example, suppose I made a
servlet called MyNewServlet.class and put it into tomcat-examples. Let's
also suppose that I mapped that to the path "newserv" in my web.xml.

If I do this, I can get to the servlet through Tomcat's HTTP port in one of
two ways:

However, going through *Apache*, I can only use the first one, because
tomcat-auto tells Apache to only forward requests to Tomcat if it sees
something ending in *.jsp or something with "servlet" in the path.

So, my question is: shouldn't tomcat-auto also contain JkMount commands for
all servlets that I've mapped to paths in web.xml?

- Joe

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