Hi sorry for sending this twice, but I am using new
email program and it kinda flipped out when I first
sent it, was not sure it went through the first time.

Hello ....

I have searched far and wide but no luck so thought i
try here.

I have a Red Hat ES V4 Linux Server that has 3
different versions of JDK and JRE on it.  They each
are being used for different projects.  One of the
versions is 1.5 JDK and JRE.  I need to install now
Tomcat 5.5.9 on the server and I must have it use the
1.5 JRE when it starts up.  Unfortunatly the systems
global JDK and JRE are set to the 1.3 Version of Java
and this I cannot change it must remain.

I thought awhile ago I came across mention of how to
start up the Tomcat server and tell it what JRE to be
using.  But I don't remember exactly.

Can anyone help?

I tried making a Tomcat user and placing the Tomcat
server in this Tomcat users directory.  Then setting
the JAVA_HOME in this Tomcat users .bash_profile  to
point to the 1.5 directory.  I then log into the
Tomcat user and run the command java -version.  I get
back 1.3.

I thought there was a place in one of the config files
to point it at what the JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME was?

or some kind of command I type at startup on the linux

any help much appreciated.

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