Based on everything written so far - there is no evidence tomcat would be chaching anything.

I'd suggest placing as much debug code in your code as possible via a logging pacakge such as log4j/commons-logging so the log information can be turned on via configuration directives.


Santosh Asbe wrote:

Hi All,

I need your help for this problem very urgently.

I have tomcat 4.1.30 on Linux. It servers as a web server and contains only
JSP & Servlets. We make a remote call to Websphere Application Server ( on
AIX) using corbaloc like 'corbaloc::ip1:2809:ip2:2809'. Now when i one of my
App server fails, the other App Server server should take over. This work
when i use a simple java client on the Linux machine, the failover occurs.
But when i use my application in tomcat, this does not work.
I am using a Service locator ( singleton) which makes the initial call to
App Server and stores in the ip cache. initially we that the issue was with
the Service locator, but then even if i don't use this Service Locator, the
problem persists.

We have talked to IBM and they say that the tomcat does some caching and the
problem is not with the App Server. Has anyone faced this issue? Can anyone
help regarding this and how can i know how and where the caching is done?
Can this issue be resolved.

If any other information is required, i will be glad to provide with the

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