On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 04:24:08PM -0700, Rick wrote:
> We had an issue where it seemed like it would crash using mod_jk, the
> trouble was the connections were not letting go.  By default, I think the
> timeout is infinite, so after setting the property: connectionTimeout, in
> the server.xml's connector descriptor as follows,
> <Connector port="nnnn" protocol=""AJP/1.3" connectionTimeout="60000" .../>
> The old connections would get cleaned up and we stopped having problems,
> however, I'm not sure this was the "correct" way to do this, seems to work.


but concerning to the documentation connectionTimeout is the amount of time
between opening the session and receiving the URI to process.

So your connector would wait 60 seconds for an empty request before it would
cut off the connection. 

I for example have the interesting behaviour that I have idle connections
running for hours and hours which I would like to end but do not know how.


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