I am not familiar with the book.

If they are recommending using Tomcat's connection
pools and JNDI, then you will need to add the jar file
that contains the MySQL driver to

If you are connecting to the database directly from
your web application then you probably need to place
the jar file containing the MySQL driver in
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/<app-name>/WEB-INF/lib, where
<app-name> is the name of your application.

You can pick up the MySQL jdbc driver from:


If you are just starting out on jsp/servlet
programming, then running Tomcat standalone is
probably a good first choice.

The later versions of Tomcat (5.5.x) perform pretty
much the same as Apache 2.0.x for static pages.  

Coupling Apache and Tomcat together makes sense when
you start using some of the features that Apache
supports but that Tomcat may not be optimal for.



--- John Geiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am avoiding the real issue--OK, I am ready to face
> it:
> javax.servlet.ServletException:
> javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: In
> &lt;driver&gt;, invalid driver class name:
> "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
> This is the error I get running an exercise from the
> Apress book. I can not
> seem to find my way using Google.
> I think maybe MySQL is not installed--or I am
> missing an important
> file...somewhere!
> Eeek. Thanks.

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