> Hi there
> I was wondering if anybody could help me out with
> something?
> I have a JSP that is trying to access a method in a
> java class that I have defined. However, when I try
> and run the pgae, it gives the 500 error message and
> says
> "Can't make static reference to method
> java.lang.String getSelected(java.lang.String,
> java.lang.String) in class
> dynamicContent.dynamicContent."
> I have not declared the method as static nor the
> class.
> The method is part of an error handling page (called
> retry.jsp) that is shown to the user when they have
> entered data incorrectly in a form. Its function is to
> preselect an option (by returing the word SELECTED) in
> a HTML select box (the one that the user entered in
> the first place) by comparing the value that was
> entered by the user in the original input form to the
> value of the select box options as they are created
> (they are dynamically created, not HTML coded).

  i'm not a great expert in Java, but I think the problem is
you try to use some method of class not defined like static
while you do not have an instance of this class. Try to create
it or define method like static :)))


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