Hi, I'm attempting to setup virtual hosts with tomcat/apache and I ran into a problem. It appears from the log messages TOMCAT is not following the docBase directive in my vitural host setup. Here are sections of the server.xml file and httpsd file, along with the error from my jasper.log file. Could give me an idea what might be wrong. Server.xml file: <Host Name="myhost.com"> <Context path="/mystuff" docBase="/software/Alpha/mystuff" debug="0"/> </Host> httpsd.conf <VirtualHost> DocumentRoot "/software/Alpha" ServerName myhost.com ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED] ErrorLog logs/8601_error_log TransferLog logs/8601_access_log SetEnvIf Request_URI wwwAuthenticatedEntrance.cgi$ login CustomLog logs/agent_log loginagent env=login JkMount /*.jsp ajp13 JkMount /servlet/* ajp13 SSLEngine on (ssl stuff omitted) </VirtualHost> Error from jasper.log 2001-04-10 09:43:51 - IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated servlets 2001-04-10 09:44:11 - JspEngine --> /mystuff/footer.jsp 2001-04-10 09:44:11 - ServletPath: /mystuff/footer.jsp 2001-04-10 09:44:11 - PathInfo: null 2001-04-10 09:44:11 - RealPath: /software/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/ROOT/mystuff/footer.jsp 2001-04-10 09:44:11 - RequestURI: /mystuff/footer.jsp 2001-04-10 09:44:11 - QueryString: null 2001-04-10 09:44:11 - Request Params: 2001-04-10 09:44:11 - Classpath according to the Servlet Engine is: /software/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes Dave