I am trying to instantiate a very simple bean on Tomcat in a JSP using the

<jsp:useBean id="sessionBean" scope="session" class="InfoBean" />

Everytime I try to run it, I get the following exception...

javax.servlet.ServletException:  Cannot create bean of class InfoBean

Any idea why this is happening, my java code doesn't have anything in it
yet, I just want to test it so that the bean will work, here is what I have
in the java in case I have that wrong...

public class InfoBean {
  private String sample = "Sample";

  public InfoBean() {
                          }//end constructor

  public String getSample() {
    return sample;
  public void setSample(String newSample) {
    sample = newSample;

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong, could this be due to some session
settings in Tomcat?



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