Yes, I've read the apache-tomcat howto, and followed it's instructions step by step.
When I've put (as a test...) snoop.jsp in the c:\apache\htdocs directory - it couldn't find it!
Only once I've put it in the c:\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\ROOT it was found and compiled.
So, I figured out that by default they (Apache vs. Tomcat ) have different "DocumentRoot" structure.
That's my question.
I've also tried to point in the mod_jk.conf and server.xml the "/" dir of the tomcat to use c:\apache\htdocs - but still no luck...
----- Original Message -----
From: Sam Newman
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Mission Impossible: Tomcat + Apache ???

Have you read the Apache-Tomcat howto in the docs (comes with tomcat)? If so, can you give us more specific info on your problems?
----- Original Message -----
From: Yoav
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 10:58 AM
Subject: Mission Impossible: Tomcat + Apache ???

Hiya all,
We're trying to migrate from running JSP's and servlets under JWS2.0 to Apache+Tomcat.
It seems like the simplest and most basic configuration, yet I could find nowhere a way to make this work!!
The same way JWS works, (and Apache-Jserv+GnuJsp) also:
1) Apache serves all static content.
2) Tomcat serves servlets/JSP's (through apj12)
3) They both share the same directory structure. (C:\apache\htdocs) and *.jsp files can be anywhere in that directory tree - not *ONLY* in the /examples dir or /jsp dir (!!!!!@!@#???)
Did someone actually made this work?
how, exactly ?
H E L P !!

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