That's what I'm talking about !!
That's the problem I couldn't solve!!
In all other JSP/servlets engines (JavaWebServer, Apache_Jserv+GnuJsp) - All the HTML & JSP files are mixed in the SAME directory structure.
How can I implement this under Apache-tomcat ?
All available configurations hold all the JSP files in some webapps\ROOT directory... 
C'mon! there's gotta be a way.
I find it hard to believe that everyone works like that.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sam Newman
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: Mission Impossible: Tomcat + Apache ???

the mod_jk.conf-auto tomcat creates authomatically generates the apache directives so apache can see the contexts setup under tomcat. Whilst they use different document roots, you can easily make them look the same my tweaking the generated directives. The .jsp files & servlets have to sit under the tomcat webapps directory for them to get picked up by the tomcat classloader. The jsp file actually gets compiled at runtime to a servlet before being viewed.
----- Original Message -----
From: Yoav
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: Mission Impossible: Tomcat + Apache ???

Yes, I've read the apache-tomcat howto, and followed it's instructions step by step.
When I've put (as a test...) snoop.jsp in the c:\apache\htdocs directory - it couldn't find it!
Only once I've put it in the c:\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\ROOT it was found and compiled.
So, I figured out that by default they (Apache vs. Tomcat ) have different "DocumentRoot" structure.
That's my question.
I've also tried to point in the mod_jk.conf and server.xml the "/" dir of the tomcat to use c:\apache\htdocs - but still no luck...

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