> getParameterMap() is a method of the ServletRequest class, which is part
> the javax.servlet API.

But that's the thing: grep'ing the sources for Tomcat 3.2.1, the interfaces
for JSDK 2.0 and JSDK 2.1, and the JSDK 2.2 spec, I can't find this method

Again, could you post the line of code where you call getParameterMap(), and
the declarations for the objects it uses?

> It comes with the Java 2 SDK Enterprise Edition 1.3.

ServletRequest comes with JSDK, not J2EE.

> You can download the API from the sun website. This is what I have
> on my developing machine... but maybe tomcat uses an older version of the
> servlet API. 

It depends on what version of Tomcat you've got--Tomcat 3.2 implements JSDK

                                                            -- Bill K.

-----Original Message-----
From: Frans Verhoef [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 6:45 PM
Subject: RE: ServletRequest.getParameterMap() method not found

getParameterMap() is a method of the ServletRequest class, which is part of
the javax.servlet API. It comes with the Java 2 SDK Enterprise Edition 1.3.
You can download the API from the sun website. This is what I have installed
on my developing machine... but maybe tomcat uses an older version of the
servlet API. 


On 25 Apr 2001, at 6:45, William Kaufman wrote: 

I can't find this method in the JSDK 2.2 spec, or even in the 2.0 or 2.1
interfaces. Where did you hear of this method? 
Could you post the line of code where you call getParameterMap(), and the
declarations for the objects it uses? 

 -- Bill K. 





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