To (mostly) capture what appears in the tomcat command interpreter window on
a Win32 platform, do the following:

    In the %TOMCAT_HOME%\bin directory is a file called TOMCAT.BAT
    Searching through the file, you will find a code snippet that looks like

        echo Starting Tomcat in new window
        if "%2" == "-security" goto startSecure
        %_STARTJAVA% %TOMCAT_OPTS% -Dtomcat.home="%TOMCAT_HOME%" org.apache.
tomcat.startup.Tomcat %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
        goto cleanup

    At the line that begins %_STARTJAVA%.... add ">
%TOMCAT_HOME%\LOGS\TOMSTART.LOG" (without quotes) so that
    it pipes the output of the stream to a file called TOMSTART.LOG in your
tomcat LOGS directory.  From there,
    you can cut and paste it or parse it using a log reader or do with it as
you like...

Logging is turned on by context in SERVER.XML in the %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf
directory.  It is specified in the <context> tag as debug=n where n is a
number from 0 to 9.  See below for content achieved in log files with
different debug levels set.

I hope this helps...

Level 0
   Errors and states that cause a significant change in program flow.  
   => Anything that causes a Discon+Retry or a "giveup" message.

Level 1
   Important or inaccessible state information.
   => Connection start, Idle disconnection.

Level 2
   Rare things that cause a minor program flow adjustment.
   => No REST, No PASV, etc.

Level 3
   Errors and useful messages that are slightly too verbose or common
   for 0-2 or don't quite fit in the classifications.
   => Login banner

Level 4
   All remote responses or major results. (Trace results)
   => All "999 Xyzzy" responses received.

Level 5
   All remote commands or major tasks. (Trace jobs)
   => All commands sent to server.

Level 6
   General information that will not be too verbose but is normally a
   little less important. (Trace state)

Level 7
   Similar to level 3 but verbose or not as useful.

Level 8
   Very verbose information that'll probably be useful sometime.

Level 9
   Anything and everything else, debugs that probably won't be useful
   ever again.                                            (unclassified)

-----Original Message-----
From: jackling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 3:34 AM
Subject: Newbie problem starting web server.

version: tomcat 3.1
platform: win98
I'm new in configuring tomcat and fail to start the web server. I've
following questions:
1) can I run the tomcat web server on Win98 (9X)? or must be WinNT/2000?
2) after I type 'startup' from the /bin directory, another DOS window
prompts up w/ the log (see blow). From this point on, I try using my browser
and type: http://localhost:8080 (or http://localhost:8080/index.html). The
web server seems not running and the browser prompts me to connect to
I don't know how to capture the screen log, below is the extract: (It said
'File not found C:\Apache\Tomcat\webapps\ADMIN.WAR' but the file is in that
directory. So' I don't know why)
Context log: path="/ADMIN.WAR" File not found
\WEB-INF\web.xml, using only defaults
Context log path="/ADMIN.WAR" :jsp: init
Context log path="/ADMIN.WAR" :default: init
Context log path="/TEST.WAR" :tomcat.errorPage: init
Context log: path="/TEST.WAR" File not found
EB-INF\web.xml, using only defaults
Context log path="/TEST.WAR" :jsp: init
Context log path="/TEST.WAR" :default: init
Context log path="/test" :tomcat.errorPage: init
Context log path="/test" :jsp: init
Context log path="/test" :default: init
Context log path="/EXAMPLES.WAR" :tomcat.errorPage: init
Context log: path="/EXAMPLES.WAR" File not found
ES.WAR\WEB-INF\web.xml, using only defaults
Context log path="/EXAMPLES.WAR" :jsp: init
Context log path="/EXAMPLES.WAR" :default: init
Context log path="" :tomcat.errorPage: init
Context log path="" :jsp: init
Context log path="" :default: init
Starting endpoint port="8080"
Starting endpoint port="8007"

3) I don't see the tomcat/logs files updated. how to turn the log function
I'm stuck at this point. Your help is much appreiated.

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