
At the company we work at, we work on a linux box, where everyone has
running it's own environment of apache and tomcat. We run about 20 tomcats,
started sperately from the same tomcat distrubution, but with a different
TOMCAT_HOME set. They are all running on different ports though and I don't
know if that is  something you want.
We have regurlaly 60 people shopping at the same time in 1 shop (with a hugh
load on images) and everything still runs smoothly...


-----Original Message-----
From: Brandon Cruz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 4:47 PM
Subject: Architectural question for tomcat-apache running Virtual Hosts

 I sent this question over the weekend, but don't think anyone saw it.  I
have an apache-tomcat configuration running on Linux servers.  Does anyone
have any experience or know if there is a limit to how many virtual hosts
you should set up on one instance of tomcat?  What is the most traffic or
connection limit before I should either use another instance of tomcat or
use an entirely new server?  How can I track the status of everything to see
when we are getting too busy?  Is there a good software I can use?  Maybe
even some basic Linux commands on Linux I can use to keep track of things?
I am pretty new to these types of issues, if anyone can provide some insight
or tell me where to look to do a little research on this topic, I would
greatly appreciate it!  Thanks in advance...

Brandon Cruz

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