On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 04:12:17PM +0100, Pedro Salazar wrote:
> Rui M . Silva Seabra wrote:
> - If I'm using a copy of a modified version of mod_jk.conf-auto (say 
> mod_jk.conf-mycopy), and if I add a new context in server.xml, then I 
> must restart tomcat, pick up the new context from the mod_jk.conf-auto 
> with all his properties to mod_jk.conf-mycopy, change the entry ajp12 to 
> ajp13, and then restart apache because the httpd.conf that apache gots 
> when it started includes a older version of mod_jk.conf-mycopy. Is this 
> the right procedure?

Any changes to apache configuration will only be valid after a restart.

So yes, you will have to restart. However, you can restart your servlet engine without 
needing to restart apache, as long as you do not change configuration that will cause 
changes to apache's configuration.

As a rule of thumb, I include a file (say mod_jk.conf) which is in apache's conf dir:

LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk.so

JkWorkersFile /usr/local/opt/tomcat/conf/workers.properties

JkLogFile /usr/local/opt/apache/logs/mod_jk

JkLogLevel debug

Then, for each site that will need to access a worker, I only add:

        JkMount /cgi-bin/* worker

Easy as a pie. Only when you make changes to httpd.conf will you need to restart the 
httpd, and not, as the tomcat docs suggests because of using mod_jk.conf-auto (which 
IMHO is evil since it does not work well), when you restart tomcat.

You will only need to change the web site (in terms of tomcat) to add the single 
JkMount line :) So it's really not worth using mod_jk.conf-auto, with all the hazzards 
it may add due to bugs.

However, having to restart apache because of configuration changes, is an apache web 
server issue and not a tomcat servlet engine issue.

Hugs, rms

+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Ghandi
+ So let's do it...?

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