Hi Jann, thanks for replying.
It does work with the jsp from step 4 as you've 
said, where it simply prints the word "Welcome".

But it still doesn't work with the modified jsp
page, where I have the taglib directive up top
and replace the word "Welcome" with the 
<onjava:hello />.

I've done some more checks and it seems I only 
get the error when I have the <onjava:hello />
tag. That is, if I simply have the taglib directive
and no <onjava:hello /> tag, it works. But if I 
put that <onjava:hello /> tag back in, I get the

Any more ideas?

--- Jann VanOver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It looks like you were doing step 4 with the JSP from step 5.  This code
> won't work until after you've created and compiled the tag library,
> which
> you haven't done yet if you're working in order.  Try it with the JSP
> code
> from "Listing 3" and you shouldn't get this error.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: alex chang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 6:25 AM
> Subject: Error: 500
> I've been following this little tutorial:
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2001/04/19/tomcat.html?page=1
> I'm up to the part of Adding Tag Libraries,
> on page 4. So far, everything except this part
> has worked. I get an HTTP 500 internal server
> error. Here are the first four lines of that:
> Error: 500
> Location: /onjava/welcome.jsp
> Internal Servlet Error:
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.CompileException:
> C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.3-m3\webapps\onjava\welcome.jsp(11,10) Unable to
> load
> class com.onjava.HelloTag
> I was wondering if anyone who has tried this
> example also can help me out. Thanks..
> -alex

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