At 01:53 PM 6/27/2001, Nick wrote:
>Hi guys,
>I really think that TOMCAT SUCKS so bad. I'm not against the open source
>community but this is why I think that TOMCAT sucks:
>1. The documentation for Tomcat is so bad and it covers only the basic
>server installation. HELLOOOO - usually for production purposes people have
>load balancers, virtual hosts, etc.

The open source community doesn't have the resources necessary to dedicate
a team to maintaining documentation.

>2. Virtual hosting for Tomcat is almost impossible - especially if you have a
>load balancer in front of the web server.

In my opinion you shouldn't be using tomcat as your web server.

>3. The integration with apache (using mod_jk) sucks. It slows down the
>productivity of the web server with at least 1000%

Not even close to true. You must have one f'd up system.

>4. And guess what is the hell you have to go through if your virtual hosts
>have different servlets mappings. You waste time and you know - time is money.

Again, use Apache with tomcat.

>5. And what if you have a problem that is not in the documentation (99% of
>the problem with Tomcat are not even mentioned in the documentation)? I guess
>the only way is to post in the mailing list. And guess what happens if nobody
>has experienced this problem before? You have to start wasting your time

See point 1.

>I really think that TOMCAT is OK for testing purposes. Trust me - for complex
>configurations it sucks.
>If you want to use a good production application server - take a look at
>WebLogic, Resin, Allaire JRun, etc.

Ha ha ha ha... how can you say JRun is a "good production server" with a
strait face? If they spent more time working on the code than using it by
taking all the flat file editing you need to do to configure it (like any
product of this type) and putting it all into a ridiculous gui that doesn't
make that configuring any easier they might shock me by having a real
product on their hands. And don't get me started on the rest of those.

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