
Yeah - I see the problem.  I reckon the easiest way would be to make a 
clearProperty tag that does it for you, or maybe a custom setProperty if you 
need it to work that way.  Given that you want to set all the properties at 
once, propably easier to do the latter... although not a nice solution - 
sorry I'm out of ideas!


On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 14:38, you wrote:
> Thanks "dim" for the interesting web link.  I think I'll definitely browse
> it in depth at a later point.  For this web application that I am working
> on we have most of the architecture designed and built, and are just
> running into this minor glitch when implementing some of our JSP pages.  It
> unfortunately has big impacts in JSP coding style.  Let me explain:
> Supposing I have the following bean declared.
> <jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="com.cool.MyBean" scope="session" />
> If I have ten fields in my form that I want to put into this bean, I would
> like to code the following:
> <jsp:setProperty name="myBean" property="*"/>
> The problem is that if "fieldOne" is left blank value will NOT be "set"
> using the setFieldOne method on my JavaBean.  However, if I code the
> following:
> <%
> myBean.setFieldOne(request.getParameter("fieldOne"));
> myBean.setFieldTwo(request.getParameter("fieldTwo"));
> myBean.setFieldThree(request.getParameter("fieldThree"));
> .
> .  You get the idea
> .
> %>
> This works fine, it is just much more tedius, especially on forms with many
> fields.
> Also, as a side note, this does not work either.
> <jsp:setProperty name="myBean" property="fieldOne" VALUE="" />
> Thanks!
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dmitri Colebatch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 11:36 PM
> Subject: Re: JSP / JavaBean problem
> firstly - right list.  unfortunately I dont have a direct answer for you,
> although do see what you're asking.  what might help you though is
> something
> like struts (http://jakarta.apache.org/struts).  it handles the sorts of
> issues that are (by the sounds of it) at the base of your problem
> cheesr
> dim
> On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 14:10, you wrote:
> > Hi, I'm new to this list, and hope this is the appropriate forum.  Kick
> > me over to a developer forum if not...
> >
> > I am developing JSPs with JavaBeans and have run into an issue with
> "blank"
> > input fields on the form.  An empty string, "", is NOT passed to the
> setter
> > method on my beans.  I have researched the source code in
> > JspRuntimeLibrary.java and found the introspect (Tomcat 3.1) /
> > introspectHelper (Tomcat 3.2.1) method intentionally excludes parameters
> > that have a NULL or "" value - of course NULL could never happen because
> of
> > the flow of the code, but never mind that.
> >
> > I guess my question is this.  Is this correct functionality.  I have read
> > the JSP 1.1 specification on the topic of the setProperty tag, and it is
> > NOT specific regarding this matter.  It is a huge problem for me because
> > I have beans that have a session scope and a particular property of the
> > bean may be "Fred" but if I blank out the related input field it doesn't
> > overwrite the value in the bean when I submit the form.  Hope this makes
> > sense.
> >
> > Any and all help would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Michael W. Housman Jr.
> > Optimal Systems Design, Inc.
> > Consulting at Wells Fargo Services Company
> > Phone:  612.341.9784
> > Cell:   612.386.6785
> > Office: 763.537.2631

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