well there's already [EMAIL PROTECTED] and

there's also [EMAIL PROTECTED]

perhaps ppl with more development specific questions should use these?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 03 July 2001 11:24
> Subject: Re: List traffic et al
> Emir wrote:
> > List is "tomcat-user" and not "java-server-development"; 
> thus, issues such
> > as getting Tomcat up and running (i.e. Tomcat configuration) ARE the
> purpose
> > of this list.
> >
> > Methinks you should get invovled into discussion more 
> often, given as you
> > say that getting Tomcat up and running is no issue to you: could you
> > perchance share your knowledge with us?
> >
> > The lists are there to provide convenient ways of GIVING to 
> the community,
> > not only TAKING...
> >
> > My 2 cents.
> <snip>
> I have no problem with "giving" to the community - its just 
> that I've got
> tired of answering the same questions again and again, and if 
> I answered
> every question that I had an answer for I wouldn't get any 
> work done (like
> most/all of us here I do have a full time job). Because I saw the same
> questions coming up again and again I decided to get involved with the
> tomcat-book project (which has had to take a back-burner for me at the
> moment due to things going mental at work).  The fact remains 
> that general
> discussion as to servlet development DOES take place here, 
> which leads me to
> believe that there may be a place for a decent developmnet 
> mailing list. Now
> this (jakarta) might not be the best place to host it I'd 
> admit, and if
> anyone knows of a decent list which already exists that covers
> servlet/jsp/taglib development, please let me know. On a 
> related note I know
> for a fact that the jakarta-taglib list contains probably 50% 
> general taglib
> discussion as opposed to specific stuff about the jakarta taglibs.
> As to the general config issues for tomcat, there still might 
> be some scope
> for splitting the list - perhaps one for general issues, and 
> one covering
> integration with other tools (webservers, EJB containers 
> etc). Its just that
> given the volume of traffic I think the things that interest 
> me (and the
> things I could mostly helpfully contribute to) are getting 
> lost. Also the
> generla configuration issues are typically for the newer 
> users, whilst more
> advanced issues (SSL, working with IIS/Apache etc) concern 
> those people who
> are more familiar with Tomcat.
> By splitting the list, you would reduce traffic for those people only
> intersted in one side of it or the other, and those that 
> still care about
> both will recieve the same number of posts (bar some potential
> cross-posting). This would reduce the amount of people (probably with
> something to say) who leave the list because of the amount of 
> daily posts..
> sam

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