Perhaps what would be useful here is some type of moderation system for 
threads on the list that so people who find those topics that are most 
helpful - i.e. don't seem to be covered elsewhere in the existing docs, 
can be identified and flagged for inclusion in the 'official' docs.

It could be as simple as replying to a list topic with a  <helpful 
rating='5'/>  (where rating was a score out of 5 stating how helpful the 
thread was) tag or something in the subject and the mailing list 
processor could send it to someone who could collate the threads etc.

There is probably a better way to do this, but hey, it's been a long day :)

I think the list represents excellent value in and of itself, however, 
and generally people only turn to the list if other sources of 
information come up short, or are not clear enough.

I think tomcat is a really good product, but for me it did take time to 
figure out how the various config files, and their (initially) unwieldy 
syntax works.

I no longer consider the tomcat configuration syntax unwieldy, but for a 
newbie it can be hard to understand.


> Paul Wrote:
>> well there's already [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
>> there's also [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> perhaps ppl with more development specific questions should use these?
> Thanks for that Paul. I kind of stopped using the Sun Java forums because
> they weren't much use, but after looking at the archives these look pretty
> good. Incidently  I found a good archive of them (and others) at
> sam

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