On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Sam Newman wrote:

> Given the huge amount of traffic this list generates, I can rarely
> get involved with the discussions that take place. It occurs to me
> that there sems to be three major discussion themes on the list as a
> whole:
> 1.) General servlet/jsp development issues and how tomcat affects them
> 2.) General tomcat configuration issues
> 3.) Webserver integration issues
> I guess as documentation improves (e.g. tomcat book, work by people
> like Mike Slinn) points 2&3 will become less of an issue. I'm just
> wondering if there is any millage in perhaps splitting the list into
> 2 or 3 lists?  Personally, I've got no issues with getting tomcat up
> and running and so don't care too much about that end of things,
> however the servlet/jsp development issues is more interesting to
> me.
> I don't have too strong an opinion on it, its just that I worry I'm
> missing some interesting topics because I don't have the time to
> work though all the posts....

This idea has come up before, and I think it's one of the best for
dealing with the high volume on this list (I guess it's one of the two
or three highest volume apache lists).  I even volunteered to take the
lead in doing this.  So I sent a note to the list owner explaining the
idea.  Unfortunately, I never heard anything back.  Without the list
owner's cooperation/participation (or someone who can modify the
apache/jakarta mailing lists), it won't be possible to do this.  So,
we could do some work on this (i.e. figuring out what separate lists
to have), but unless we know that it's going to come to something, it
doesn't make sense to do too much work on it.

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Software/Systems Development Group
Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

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