do you have a simple application or does it have complex components like rmi
server or pooling.  Look for data structures like pooling that have refrences
that never go away,  It may be something is allocating objects to a thread that
never dies it may help if you set stuff you are not using to null.  Tell us more
about what your application is doing, how moany seperate components does it
utilize and if you run those alone on a server does it still throw the

good luck

Ben Parker wrote:

> We are facing a very persisitent and nasty OutofMemory problem and have
> narrowed down the possible culprits
> Linux 2.2.14 SMP
> Tomcat 3.2.2 binary
> JDK (Sun 1.3)
> Apache 1.3.16 (with mod_usertrack for cookies)
> mod_jk compiled from source (thanks to this list's archives, that helped the
> 99% CPU problem we had earlier!)
> However much memory we throw at it, after a few hours, Tomcat gives up with
> an OutofMemory Exception.
> We gave the JVM 128, 256, 512 and today, 1024M RAM, and still it happens. In
> server.xml, max_threads is set to 150, as is Apache's MaxClients.
> There are rarely more than 85 httpd processes runnig, and 40 of those are
> spares. So let's say 50 concurrent users is high for us.
> Now, some earlier code used to use a cookie name "path" until we realised it
> is not a good thing. Despite cleaning up whereever we can, we get several of
> these errors on different pages, which seem to precipiate memory leaking or
> wasting:
> 2001-07-09 08:35:49 - Ctx( /site ): Exception in: R( /site +
> /africa/index.jsp +
>  null) - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cookie name path is a reserved
> token
> We are sure the page is not requesting the cookie, but it is possible the
> browser once had the cookie set in the past from earlier code.
> THE QUESTION: How can we catch this error gracefully and stop it eating
> memory? Does this sound like the lilkely culprit? We are also running Jive
> 1.2.4, in case anyone has found any problems with that. How can the cookie
> make a problem if the page is not requesting it?
> Any suggestions gratefully received.
> Ben Parker
> Nairobi

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