Tim Ashman wrote:

> I'm new to Tomcat and have Tomcat and apache playing together.  I've 
> been able to create servlets, and have them successfully run.  I am now 
> trying to learn JSP but when I put the *.jsp files onto the server I 
> can't get them to run.  I receive 404 errors.  I've looked though the 
> online help, etc and most of it seems a little confusing.
> Am I just placing the .jsp's in the wrong place?  Do I need some .jar 
> files that don't come with the standard java/tomcat installs?

Sounds like they are either in the wrong place or Apache is not 
configured to point to the correct place. The jasper.jar is the jar file 
that handles .jsp's. Need more info in order to help you further, 
specifically config info (httpd.conf, server.xml).

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

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