At 07:06 AM 7/19/2001, you wrote:
>Roger Ruan wrote:
>>Dear Sir,
>>I am using tomcat on windows 2000.
>>I have a problem:
>>  For IIS of Windows 2000 professional version only support 10 
>> connections,I want to replace IIS with Apache,but I do not know if 
>> Apache supports the ASP or not.Our codes are developed in JSP/servlets and ASP.
>Happy to help someone convert from proprietary to free software!

No doubt. But don't you need to get advanced server
to go over 10 client connections? I thought the limit
was imposed by the os, not just iis.

Oh, and if you insist on using M$ as a server platform
get ready to pay a regular fee and the os locked to the
hardware config of the machine (whatever that means, some
kind of license enforcement or something) and other great

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