i've tried that John :) I'll still plug away at it :) Thanks for the reply.

>>> John Hebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/24/01 03:54pm >>>
Aaron Cooper wrote:

> Hi
>    I've checked documentation and have tried things already suggested, but still 
>without success. Does anyone know where I could go to get information or give me some 
>    I have placed a /baseball under /webapps.  When I type in 
>http://localhost:8080/baseball from my UNIX workstation, it works fine.  However, 
>when I type the URL/baseball from my PC, it cannot find the directory.  Apache came 
>already set up with tomcat, I do not understand why it wont show from my PC, when the 
>/examples directory shows perfectly finr from my PC.  

Hmmm. Make sure your browser cache is clean. What you are doesn't seem 
like it should work.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

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