I checked if tomcat was startred by bringing up one of the examples.  It
Can you send me the format for the server.xml... I got the one I have out of
the how to...
but mine I thought were using the ajp12

-----Original Message-----
From: John Bazeley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:52 PM
Subject: RE: Help!! Apache won't redirect to tomcat

you're on Solaris, right?

146 is 'connection refused'.

Your ajp13 handler isn't running. Either:

tomcat isn't started
ajp13 handler is not activated in server.xml.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nance, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, 26 July 2001 06:55
> Subject: Help!! Apache won't redirect to tomcat
> Someone please Help.
> I have copied the auto conf genereated by tomcat and included that in 
> my httpd.conf file  with the following line
> Include
> /opt/pokemon/bin/col_bin/tomcat/tomcat35_322/conf/tomcat-mod_jk-ap
> ache.conf
> I added lines to tomcat-mod_jk-apache.conf to hopefully recognize my url
> JkMount /buy/* ajp12
> JkMount /olympics/*  ajp12
> JkMount /sloc2002/* ajp12
> JkMount /maintenance/* ajp12
> JkMount /xml/* ajp12
> but it doesn't seem to recognize the url
> I am getting 
> [jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed errno = 146
> [jk_ajp12_worker.c (152)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, Error sd = -1
> in my mod_jk.log and no errors in my apache http_error.log
> I started tomcat first.
> Can Anyone offer some help?
> Thanks
> Mike

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