Title: Problem getting Netscape to forward requests to Tomcat.


I've been trying to configure Netscape Enterprise Server 3.6 and Tomcat 3.2.3 to work together but with no luck.

I went through and followed the steps outlined in the document Tomcat Netscape HowTo and everything appears
to work ok. The server starts and ok and the settings show that it is indeed using nsapi_redirect.dll but when I try to

access http://localhost:80/examples I get the an error saying that it could be founds in the netscape "docs" folder.

The server does not appear to be redirecting the requests at all. One thing to note is that I removed all the entries concerning

ajp13 configuration from the workers.properties file.Until I did that the server would not start.

Is there anythin I'm not doing right. I'm sure it's something stupid but I would appreciate any help that anyone could offer.

Thank you in advance

-- below you'll find my obj.conf file and workers.properties file.

<<workers.properties>>         <<obj.conf>>



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