Please help!

We are running tomcat_3.2.2 on a Sun Unix platform.  The problem that I
am seeing is when I use a simple HTML form to access the servlet, and
that HTML form is empty (no fields are filled in - except I do have a
hidden field on the form with data) and the form is submitted, I get a
message that "The document contained no data, try again later" and it
crashes tomcat.  The error message in the log states the following:
FATAL: line 2: The markup in the document following the root element
must be well-formed.

Is this error referring to the HTML page or to the servlet code???  I
cannot quite figure this one out but need to before we can even think of

going production. :-)

Any help is appreciated!



--/-----National Center for Atmospheric Research-----------------------
Lana M. Stillwell-Soller   Phone:  303-497-1244
Software Engineer/Group Head   Fax:    303-497-1804
Infrastructure Applications Group  Mobile: 303-882-0213
--/-----PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO  80305-3000---------------------------

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