Erin Lester wrote:

> Can anyone point me to some information about creating WAR files.

 > Supposedly you can create them with deploytool, but I only know
 > how to do this with the gui version and don't have an x-windows
 > server on the server I'm working on.

Very easy. Use Ant: . Ant is 
the default build tool (like 'make') for Jakarta applications.
And take a look at the Tomcat source examples/ and 
examples/build.xml files to see how Ant builds a WAR file.

> I've also read that you can use jartool to create WAR
> files, but the instructions said you will need to create your own version
> of the deployment descriptor.  What does this mean?  create my own
> web.xml?  I have a web.xml but don't really use it for much (not all the
> servlets are in the web.xml).

Yup, it means create your own web.xml. Just make sure it is in 

> Is there anything special we need to do in the web.xml/deployment
> descriptor file?


> and will a WAR created with the jar tool preserve the
> directory structure of the application?


John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

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