> -----Original Message-----
> From: Utech - Han Lim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 11:38 AM
> Subject: JSP pages cannot be viewed
> Sensitivity: Personal
> Hi, I just installed the Apache-1.3.20 and Tomcat-3.2.3, and 
> all running
> smoothly until I try to view the .jsp pages at 
> http://localhost:8080/ and I
> got this error result :


This same question has been answered already on this list.  Please refer to
the list's archive at
and the response

For future reference, this list is archived at
http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=tomcat-user&r=1&w=2 (among other places) and
the archive is searchable.  Since there are many questions that are
repeated, I'd suggest you try find the answer to your question in the
archive (after having gone through all the documentation first) before
posing a question on the list.

Pardon? Oh, you're welcome :)

> What is the causes of this problem? And another problem I got 
> is when I try
> to create a helloworld.jsp that contain :


> And I got error when view this page in browser :
> 2001-07-30 02:50:56 - Ctx( /examples ): 404 R( /examples +
> /jsp/helloworld.jsp + null) JSP file not found
> Any help and suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks

Where did you place your helloworld.jsp?  Is it in /examples/jsp?  If not,
put it there, then try again.  Of course, you can put it in any other
context directory but make sure you adjust the request URL in your browser



DISCLAIMER: The content of the preceding message is exclusively
            the personal opinion of the author, i.e. myself. Under no
            circumstances should the content be attributed to my employer.

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