On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, you wrote:
> I have a web site to which a lot of cross-links have been built up over time.  
>Inevitably the links are to pages with names like index.htm.  I would like to change 
>these to jsp pages, but of course I can't change the name without breaking the link 
>(and losing traffic).  
> Any ideas how I can put jsp functionality on a jsp page (I already have Tomcat 
>serving out the .htm pages and I have tried simply using an htm page like a jsp page, 
>but it doesn't work)?
> Many thanks for any help.
> Mark

  All I can suggest is the obvious. Write a program to do a global search and
replace (if you are on Linux a little sed script should do the trick). Put in
your index.jsp, run your program to change all references in your html from 
index.htm to index.jsp, test your links and then archive your index.htm page. 


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