I don't work with .jsp files (servlets w/xslt for me, thanks), can you alias 
the .jsp files in your web.xml file. No?

On Monday 30 July 2001 04:00 am, you wrote:
> I have a web site to which a lot of cross-links have been built up over
> time.  Inevitably the links are to pages with names like index.htm.  I
> would like to change these to jsp pages, but of course I can't change the
> name without breaking the link (and losing traffic).
> Any ideas how I can put jsp functionality on a jsp page (I already have
> Tomcat serving out the .htm pages and I have tried simply using an htm page
> like a jsp page, but it doesn't work)?
> Many thanks for any help.
> Mark

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Richard Draucker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Protected-Data.Com www.protected-data.com
Remote Data Support For Web Developers

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