Nance, Michael wrote:
> There are no errors in mod_jk.log or in my httpd_error.log
> the 8080 gets the same thing which is the 404 error

If port 8080 isn't working then you haven't got your web app
setup correctly and the problem isn't between Apache and

We need to be absolutely clear here.  Are you requesting this
URL on the same machine you have Tomcat installed:
Assuming so, is there a "buy" directory in the
TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory?  If not, have you modified
server.xml appropriately?  Have you got <servlet-name> and
<servlet-mapping> entries in buy/WEB-INF/web.xml?  Posting
them to the list may help.

As a sanity check, does this work:

-- Andrew

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