Le Samedi 18 Août 2001 19:55, vous avez écrit :
> hatim at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hello ,
> > im using the latest release of mod_backhand with apache 1.3.20 and with
> > jdk1.3 and tomcat .
> >
> > Desciption of my architecture :
> >
> > i have 2 web servers that make the same work , i use mod_backhand for the
> > loadbalancing between them .
> > and i use workers.properties in the Tomcat configuration to allow
> > loadballancing between the two tomcat server .
> > i have one dns server using bind who makes Round Robin with 1 secondes
> > TTL for the both entries ( server web 1 and server web 2 )
> > they are accessible from the internet under the same name www.server.com
> > ( for ex)
> >
> > when a client connect for the first time in www.server.com , he is
> > redirect to server web 1 ( for exemple ) . then a session is created
> > (jsessionid=... )in this server , and when he makes another GET , he must
> > be redirected to the same server web where he has a session opened .
> >
> > when i tried to connect from the internet to www.server.com with a direct
> > connection , it s work very well .... session are always retrieved .
> > but when i tried to surf on www.server.com using a proxy -cache server (
> > like squid ) to access to the internet , i have a problem with a JSP
> > request . the client isnot redirected to the right server , so he didnt
> > retrive his session .
> >
> > and i dont know why ?
> >
> > Any idea ? thank you from your help !!
> > do you thing that it is possible to  resolve this problem with installing
> > a cluster for the 2 server web  ?
> >
> > Any solution ?
> I believe that it's a misconfiguration of  mod_backhand... Are you sure
> you're using the bySession candidacy function in the module, so that your
> sessions will "stick" to a particular webserver...
> It's a problem I'm currently trying to solve for the WebApp module, and
> it's not an easy trick to balance BOTH your Apache http connections and
> your Tomcat backhands... :(
>     Pier

yes i used he bySession candidacy function in the module,  , but they 
specifie in the doc that that work for PHPsession .. and not other ..

do you think if i install two or three PC in cluster mod it will resolve the 
probleme ?

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