I use a Debian box.

I installed Apache and Tomcat 4 b6 (Apache as web server and Tomcat as
application server for jsp/servet)
Tomcat home is: /usr/tomcat4b6

I want several Virtual host (www.mysite.com, www.mysite2.com ....)
I want to place (for example) the file for my sites in:

/var/www/mysite.com for www.mysite.com
/var/www/mysite2.com for www.mysite2.com

and now Apache gets the right path if I call a specific site.

In file httpd.conf I added (for the connection to Tomcat):

LoadModule webapp_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_webapp.so
AddModule mod_webapp.c
<VirtualHost xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
DocumentRoot /var/www/mysite.com
ServerName www.mysite.com
WebAppConnection   conn   warp   localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy   mysite.com   conn   /var/www/mysite.com

In file /usr/tomcat4b6/conf/server.xml I wrote:

 <!-- mysite.com -->

     <Context path="/test" docBase="/var/www/mysite.com" debug="0"/>
In dir /var/www/mysite.com i placed


If I call www.mysite.com I see the index.html but if I call
www.mysite.com/test.jsp I see the code of the file.

What is wrong???


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